Monday, November 2, 2009

Paleo in Atlantic City (my very first blog ever)

Hello to whoever may read this blog. I hope I do ok at this blogging stuff seeing as I've never done this before. Please excuse any grammatical errors since I am so terribly lazy when it comes to proofreading. So here goes.

This weekend I had off Sunday and Monday at the barber shop that I manage, due to renovations. I don't usually have off two consecutive days, so I decided that going to A.C. would be the only responsible thing for me to do. The only problem that I encountered was that it is not paleo friendly out there at all. So what does one do in a situation like that? I was not well equipped for the weekend get away. What I should have done was bring some food and utilized that little fridge in the room that I never use. I thought that there was no way possible for me to stick to the plan for the time down there. Instead, what I came to realize is that its easy to ask for no bread with the order of tuna and ask for mixed veggies instead of rice. I survived 2 days in A.C. And didn't fall of once and still managed at least 4-5 meals a day.

The moral of the story is if you eat paleo in Atlantic City you lose at craps.

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