Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Some Nutritional Resources

Whats up guys. First and foremost let me start by apologizing to my team for the big gap between posts. I will try all I can to keep up with my personal goal about keeping up with my blog (Now that the violin is done playing for the sad portion of my blog).
We have some serious buisness to talk about, there are goals which need to be met and I feel, both as a coach and an athlete, that nutrition will be the deciding factor when it comes to reaching our goal. I commend you guys that set a fitness goal and are working towards that but the right nutrients will really get you there. With that being said here are a few resources to use that can help you whip up some tasty treats.

p.s. also guys just in case you see the post before you see my emails, make sure you let me know your shirt size, and keep up with getting your food logs to either karianne or myself.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Manimals, What are we? AAAAAUUUHHHHH!!!!!!

Hell yea guys, I am super stoked about this challenge. I'm even more excited about the fact that we definitely have some super attainable goals. So we all have a little bit of homework that we need to get done at some point before this Monday and here it is:

-E-mail me at least one and at most two specific goals. (i know we talked a bit about it already, but the more you think about it the more you will be able to focus that goal into something specific)
-Measurements, I need to know measurements so we have some recordable data to determine progress via that medium.
-Send me some times that work for you throughout the week where maybe we can schedule something, whether it be a team wod, some grocery shopping, or hunting in the wild ala caveman.
-Start logging in our food journals. A super crucial part to this challenge is going to be the re-structuring of your dietary habits and the only way to determine that is by being able to physically see what we do right and what we do wrong.
-And last but not least, send me a little bit about your plan of attack for this challenge. How do you plan to assure that your goals are met? Remember guys this as much an individual challenge as it is a team one, so we are all accountable for our team progress as well.

So with that in mind I ask, Manimals, what are we? AAAAAUUUHHHH!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Crossfit Coaching

I have recently began assistant coaching at Mpower Crossfit in Bernardsville and I just wanted to thank all of the coaches and on-rampers for letting me learn and teach . It has been a very exciting and humbuling experience. It is a workout all of its own to not stutter too bad while trying to demonstrate some of the movements. I hope to become a great coach and keep on my journey to becoming an equally great athlete. Thank all of you guys once again for all of the support.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Paleo in Atlantic City (my very first blog ever)

Hello to whoever may read this blog. I hope I do ok at this blogging stuff seeing as I've never done this before. Please excuse any grammatical errors since I am so terribly lazy when it comes to proofreading. So here goes.

This weekend I had off Sunday and Monday at the barber shop that I manage, due to renovations. I don't usually have off two consecutive days, so I decided that going to A.C. would be the only responsible thing for me to do. The only problem that I encountered was that it is not paleo friendly out there at all. So what does one do in a situation like that? I was not well equipped for the weekend get away. What I should have done was bring some food and utilized that little fridge in the room that I never use. I thought that there was no way possible for me to stick to the plan for the time down there. Instead, what I came to realize is that its easy to ask for no bread with the order of tuna and ask for mixed veggies instead of rice. I survived 2 days in A.C. And didn't fall of once and still managed at least 4-5 meals a day.

The moral of the story is if you eat paleo in Atlantic City you lose at craps.